Welcome to the nanoscience students association Nano ry:s homepage. This site is still a work in progress and will see updates during this semester. You can contact the board of the association via email: hallitus(at)nanory.fi
Board 2024
The board currently is the following:
- Nico Pietarinen, chairperson, puheenjohtaja(at)nanory.fi
- Runar Lunarila, vice chair, varapuheenjohtaja(at)nanory.fi
- Junnu Koiranen, secretary, sihteeri(at)nanory.fi
- Toni Rautio, treasurer, rahastonhoitaja(at)nanory.fi
- Annika Kankaala, communications manager, tiedottaja(at)nanory.fi
- Nuutti Postila, academic affairs representative, webmaster, kopo(at)nanory.fi, webmaster(at)nanory.fi
- Matias Erho, social affairs representative, sopo(at)nanory.fi
- Niina Rantakurtakko, corporate representative, yritys(at)nanory.fi